Monday, July 24, 2006

I got it! YEAH!

YA MAN! I'm employed again!

And it was only after the second interview! Gee, his only problem was my availability... which is pretty normal for any student anyways. Well, whatever it is, I know my schedule now, and I know my timetable too, and that'll make scheduling work around my school timetable much easier.

Now, I have to be able to manage my time properly. With Philosophy coinciding with my work, I'm going to want to be able to practice time management skills, so that when the regular term starts, I'll be able to be a more effective time user.

I think... I just think... with so many people having similar time availabilities, I'll need to prove my worth if I'm to be retained as an employee. That means outshining the rest and being an asset to the store. That way, I'll be able to have the option to stay on even after the Back To School season.

Okay, gonna go shopping.


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